Relaxing White Noise

Relaxing White Noise

Relaxing White Noise is the leading online provider of white noise and nature sounds to help you sleep, study or soothe a baby. Founded by a former insomniac, Relaxing White Noise is a business that understands the struggles of a sleepless night. In 2012, Relaxing White Noise launched its YouTube channel to help people around the world get better sleep. Ten years and over a billion views later, Relaxing White Noise now has a top-ranked podcast featuring sounds for relaxation!

We create calming sounds to improve your life and are excited to share them with you. Join the hundred million people who have already enjoyed our white noise soundscapes which include rain sounds, ocean waves, white noise for babies, fan sounds, spaceships, Tibetan bowls, waterfalls and rain with thunder.

Whether you're trying to study for a test, focus at work, fall asleep or simply relax, we have the perfect white noise sound for you. Cheers to feeling your best!

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Recent Podcast

Dec. 20, 2024

White Noise Rain Sounds for Sleeping | Rainstorm on Roof Ambience 8 H…

You are on a weekend trip to your cabin in the mountains, taking time to escape the stressors of the everyday world. The soothing scenes of nature that surround your humble abode bring a sense of calm as you take …

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Dec. 18, 2024

Relaxing Vacuum Sounds for Sleeping | Fall Asleep Fast 8 Hours

Many people are surprised by how relaxing a vacuum sound actually is! When people think of vacuums, they usually think of chores, but have you ever actually listened to the sound they make? The white noise sound can actually ...

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Dec. 16, 2024

ALL the RAIN & THUNDER ⚡ Rainstorm White Noise for Sleep 8 Hours

I’m worried what you just read was LOTS of rain and thunder. What I said was ALL the rain and thunder. (Shoutout to Ron Swanson from Parks & Rec!) After Ron heard there was no internet or phone service on …

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Dec. 13, 2024

Rain on Giant Tropical Leaves | Raining Sound to Sleep 8 Hours

Heavy rain falls on the giant leaves of the tropics producing a relaxing white noise so calming you'll be falling into a soothing slumber in no time! The sound of rain is a great resource if you struggle to fall …

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Dec. 11, 2024

White Noise for Sleeping | This Sound Can Help You Relax 8 Hours

Be carried off to dreamland with the soothing sound of white noise. Imagine yourself drifting to sleep on a giant puffy white cloud. The consistent white noise sound can help ease your mind at night, allowing your brain to re...

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Dec. 9, 2024

Womb Sounds to Soothe Your Baby | 8 Hour White Noise for Sleeping

Babies find the sound of a womb familiar and comforting, so if your baby is getting fussy, try playing this womb sound. It may be challenging to get your newborn to fall asleep, and this sound mimics the sounds your …

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Dec. 6, 2024

Thunder and Rain Sounds for Sleeping I Storm White Noise 8 Hours

Sleep like royalty to the relaxing sounds of thunder and rain. Dry and snug in your castle, you find yourself lulled to sleep by the gentle thunderstorm with rain sounds. Nine course dinners, silk sheets, velvet drapes, peace...

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Dec. 4, 2024

White Noise Waterfall | Fall Asleep & Stay Asleep | 8 hours

Mother Nature really knows how to soothe us! Who would have thought that the sound of water cascading over a cliff would make such a relaxing white noise? For something so natural, waterfalls really do make the best sound for...

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