Relaxing White Noise


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It’s so great and helped me sleep better than ever!!!!Thank you so much for this podcast, I love the summer rain episode!!!I know a lot of people are saying to stop with the intro but it’s how you explain where we can hear your podcast more!!My sister said that she had a hard time sleeping so when she asked me for help, the first thing that popped up in my head was you!!!I just wait for a few minutes, like 1 or 2 minutes and I already fell asleep 😴!!!The intro is what you do but you can make it a bit shorter so the people won’t complain so it’s a win-win!!!But I’m just giving you a idea!!!You Dont have to do it though!!! I just want to say again thank you so much for this and yo let you know I’m so grateful!!!The last time I slept like that was when I was a baby!!!THANK YOU 😊 🤗👍
Great selection!
I don’t mind the intros. Do what you need to do! I appreciate having all the different sounds to help me relax at night!
Love it
I love this podcast! (Especially the fan noise) It gets me sleeping immediately:)
The intro
Please remove it!! It’s totally annoying and unnecessary. Thanks
Please stop!
The intro is unnecessary please stop people are trying to relax ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️☄️!
Amazing but
Because many people are mad at the intro, I suggest putting the sponsors in the description so they don’t wake people up. Overall this white noise is great and I listen to it every night! Four stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🫥
Great for sleep!
This is the best podcast I have found to sleep to. I use it almost nightly! Occasionally I’ll use it during the day when I need something, but can’t handle lyrics or a talk.
Skip the intro
This app is great, and I use it not only to sleep, but sometimes to focus during the day. Who cares about the intro blah blah blah… just get to the white noise/waterfall/other soothing sounds… Whoever came up with this, thank you! I like it and use it almost daily!!❤️😍
It works amazing!
My mom was in the hospital a few weeks ago and we used this to drowned out the talking beeping noises at night! It worked so good! We both slept like babies until a nurse came in lol 😂 My mom is now out of the hospital and we still use this! Great Podcast!
These sounds literally put me to sleep at night. I used to have to use melatonin pills prescribed by my doctor. Now I’m felling better than I did before even without it. (Don’t stop use unless clarified with physician)
Wonderful!! Use it every night!! 😴
I don’t have a sound machine at home so I use it every night! Super happy it does not have any interruptions. One thing I would like to change is the intro. It is fine but would like to just get to the white noise. Wonderful podcast though!!
Search no further....sleep is waiting for you.
I have been listening to this podcast every night for at least a year +. The only problem now ...I'm not sure if I can sleep without it !
No interruption
I love this podcast since it plays with no ads in the middle that would normally jolt you awake. Great resource.
I use it every night! Thank You!
I used this every night to help me sleep. I like "Rain on Castle with Thunder." I'm a bit annoyed at the complaints about the voice. Just skip her and change your settings to not repeat or play the next podcast. It is completely avoidable.
I use it every night soothe your mind
Love it.
This Podcast saved us when our power went out for the night. All of our kids are fan sleepers so we were scrambling. So nice to have this option as a backup. Thank you to whomever came up with this genius idea for a Podcast!
People were having a super long and constant conversation in the room that shares a wall with mine so I could not fall asleep and I was getting frustrated. I looked for a white noise podcast and found this podcast’s episode for drowning out the noise of loud neighbors and omg it did exactly that. I went from being able to clearly hear their conversation to only being able to hear the white noise. Amazing. I drifted into a blissful slumber.
Top Sleep - Top Pod!
I have the world's worst insomnia and anxiety, and go into a spiral of ‘what am I doing with my life?' most evenings. I started listening to this podcast to try and get some peace and at least 6 hours a night? It's been a god send so far! I can't deal with the sound of cats purring, but the ocean episodes are great. I love thunderstorms. And if I could request more forest/jungle sounds - those are excellent, too. Keep sending me to sleep guys! Thank you. Katy, Sleep Cove.
My Favorite Podcast
Honestly. This podcast has been life changing for me with regard to not just sleep but also calming road rage and general frustration. They advertise “soothe a baby” on the logo; but I am a grown man, and it has helped me across many avenues of my life. The various airplane and fan sounds in particular seem to have a wonderful “neutralizing” effect on the din around me most of the time without denigrating my awareness of my surroundings. Thank you to the creative and editorial team who makes this free show possible.
Star Power
I absolutely love the ladies beautiful voice in the intro. Whatever you do PLEASE DONT EVER CHANGE IT. In fact, if possible please bring her in a lot more often throughout the podcast. Thank you.
Complaints are unessecarry. ❤️
Look, the woman isn’t that bad, and new deal, IT’S FREE TO SKIP. People complain about her, but you can add a sleep timer, if you want just the one episode. If it’s too short, just try something else, it’s free. Look, your complaining, on things that are on YOU. This podcast is very good, and deserves more support ❤️
Travel necessity
This is my go-to when I’m traveling. I have a hard time relaxing away from my own bed and this podcast has helped so much! I like to skip the intro and set the sleep timer to stop when the episode is over. No problems at all and so dang soothing.
Star power
I absolutely love the ladies beautiful voice in the intro. Whatever you do PLEASE DONT EVER CHANGE IT. In fact, if possible please bring her in a lot more often throughout the podcast. Thanks.
20+ years of struggle
i have struggled to fall asleep and stay asleep for as long as i can remember. i have tried everything for the last 20 years. sleep meds, meditation, no blue light, unwind time, tv, music, breathing, exercise and diet. nothing ever seemed to work. i could go for 3 straight days as a kid with no sleep. as an adult it makes me physically ill to go that long. my body just shuts down. my sister is an AVID murder podcast listener and started looking around for sleep podcast. she sent me this podcast and told me just to try sounds. it took me about a month to find the ones that put me out and keep me down. it’s been almost 6 months since she sent me the link. in the last 3 months i have slept all night long. i’m now averaging 7 hours instead of a broken up 5 hours at best. i am forever thankful and grateful for this podcast. thank you for helping me to get some actually regenerative sleep!
Skip the intro & perfection
Love airplane, white noise, fan, a/c sounds.
Just skip past the intro?
People give this pod a bad rating due to the intro. It’s free to skip it, bro. So many options in the feed for great sounds to sleep to. Love airplane and air conditioner.
It works for me....
This podcast has become essential for me to sleep a full 8 hours. I had my doubts at first, but now...I'm a true believer. There is about 2 minutes of introduction at the very beginning of the program. And sleepy people do get grumpy. However I try to keep in mind that it's the advertisers that keep the lights on and the show free for everyone to use. Ain't no big thang.....
when I got Covid and couldn’t sleep, this was the first thing that put me down.
Absolutely love this
I fell asleep within twenty minutes and I wasn’t even tired